Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119)
Daniel 3:13-95 When Daniel and his two friends were about to be thrown into a fiery furnace for failing to bow down and worship the king of Babylon, they did not know whether they would die or continue to live on earth after their ordeal. They only knew that Jahweh, the God whom they served, was with them and kept them as his own, whether in this life or the next. Regardless of their great trust in God, the young men must have been pleasantly surprised to be met in the midst of the flames by a God-sent messenger along with a moist wind that whistled through the furnace. Moreover, at the end of the event (it ended, as all earthly events do) not only were they alive but the hair of their heads was not signed, their tunics were not harmed, and not even the smell of fire came from them. God had indeed miraculously freed Shadrach, Meshach and Abendnego, in good time and in an ‘out of the box’ way. As I face the fiery trials of our present physical, social and spiritual challenges will I trust the Holy Spirit of God to meet me and lead me through? God, like Daniel, help me faithfully walk through this time of fire. If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31-32) He said not 'Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be dis-eased'; but he said, 'Thou shalt not be overcome. St. Julian of Norwich & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei
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AuthorBeverly Illauq lives in Kemptville, Ontario, where she greets each morning by seeking the Gospel Mystery of the Day - the Word of the Lord for direct and practical application to the specific challenges & joys of the day. Archives
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