Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119)
Luke 21:34-36 How often do I hear – and say – “I am so dissipated” , a.k.a., I am so Busy!! Children’s needs, work challenges, medical appointments, driving hither and yon, shopping, not to mention property maintenance and household chores – these are the things that constantly vie for my attention and threaten to consume mind, body and spirit. This is the dissipation Jesus warned his disciples about, the scattering of one’s energies so thinly that we are exhausted more than we are refreshed, fragmented more than focused and human doings more than we are human beings. In ‘these last days’, our Master calls us to ‘be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down’. He lists dissipation, or thoughtless busy-ness, even before drunkenness, that is any active addiction or passion, and the ‘worries of this life’. This Advent we have opportunity to reset the focus of our time and energy. As we turn our hearts and minds to waiting for the Lord’s Coming let us be on guard to curb our addiction to, and passion for, being busy, so that the cares and worries of this world do not choke the sprouting of his Word in our lives. Am I truly committed to being alert at all times, praying that I might have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man?(v.36). This Advent and Christmas season, will I be on guard against blind busy-ness? Holy Spirit of God help me be on my guard against dissipation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise. (Psalm 95:2) If the devil can’t make you sin, he makes you busy. Corrie Ten Boom Soli ad gloriam Dei Gospel Mystery of the Day on FaceBook &
Holy Spirit of God, ready me to testify to your truth and mercy, your power and purpose...11/24/2022 Luke 21:21-28 The good thing about being ‘ready’ to testify is that testifying to the nature of God - his truth, mercy, power and purpose – is both active and passive. It is a ‘balanced activity’ if you will. Yes, to testify to the nature of God actively and purposefully requires that I ‘show up’, make good choices, and then dedicate my body and soul to be instruments of the Holy Spirit through committed prayer time, words, and actions to the glory of God. But even when I passively yield my thoughts, words and deeds to God, whether in life, and even in death, then God’s Holy Spirit can and does manifest his mercy, his truth, his power and his purpose through my whole being, both living and remembered, moment by moment, day by day. Will I fully yield my heart, mind, soul and strength to the agency of God to bring about his kingdom on earth? Holy Spirit of God, ready me to testify to your truth and mercy, your power and purpose. And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right? (Jesus in Luke 12:57) Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee… Frances R. Havergal (1874) Soli ad gloriam Dei Gospel Mystery of the Day on FaceBook & Luke 23:35-43 As we head into the first week of the Advent season, it is good to consider where the Incarnation of Christ Jesus is heading – to the Cross, emblazoned as it was with “Jesus, King of the Jews”. Jesus may have been known as the King of the Jews; but is he known today as the King of the Christians – of you and me? I ponder what a king could be to me… A king is worthy of my full allegiance. “I work for the King” becomes my full reason for being; All that I am is defined by my position as his emissary. He is the one I look up to. He is absolutely trustworthy for me. His ways are my ways, his message my message, and he allows me to speak on his behalf. All that I have or gain, I gladly give him. I am convinced that He knows me through and through and needs me – and indeed delights in me- exactly as I am. I rest in doing his will, knowing that nothing I do out of allegiance to him is wasted as I work for him and .. I love him with a fierce courage. I only hope and pray that I might remain his faithful servant fulfilling all that he needs me to be, to do, and to proclaim with my life. Am I ready to proclaim the Word Incarnate, the infant Jesus, born of Mary, my Lord and my King? Christ Jesus, you are my King! And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right? (Jesus Luke 12:57) Every Christian is called to take his/her place in the army of King Jesus and to wrestle as a fellow-conqueror with Him. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power… against spiritual wickedness in high places”. (Ephesians 6:12 ) Corrie Ten Boom Soli ad gloriam Dei Gospel Mystery of the Day on FaceBook & Philippians 4:10 – 19 In his letters to the churches of his day, St. Paul often pointed out the trials and troubles he had endured, as well as the many accolades he received during his life time. More specifically in his letter to the church in Philippi, he mentions how he knows what it is to have little, and what it is to have plenty – and that he has learned to be content with both scenarios. I too have times of little – food, money, time, energy, friends, family – and of plenty. And, I too have times of little heartache and of plenty of heartache due to challenges, a.k.a. troubles and trials. After 5 decades of dealing with life head- on as an adult, I am finally learning, along with St. Paul, to be content with whatever I have (v. 11) and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me(v.13). Living into the joy of my calling as a disciple of Christ in this way, Life, Love and Light in Christ Jesus take on new meaning each day. What an adventure! When I face poverty of spirit or of body will I fold up into despair or stand up into the strength that Christ provides? Holy Spirit of God, help me be content with whatever I have. Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. (Philippians 4:6) Do not spend your energies on things that generate worry, anxiety and anguish. Only one thing is necessary: lift up your spirit and love God. St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Padre Pio Soli ad gloriam Dei Gospel Mystery of the Day on FaceBook & |
AuthorBeverly Illauq lives in Kemptville, Ontario, where she greets each morning by seeking the Gospel Mystery of the Day - the Word of the Lord for direct and practical application to the specific challenges & joys of the day. Archives
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