Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119)
Luke 21:5-11 As human beings, we are designed to manifest by character, by word, and by deed the Glory of God, by living into the creativity, mercy and truth of God. As much as they reflect the glory of God , humanity’s structures and systems are beautiful adn life-giving. But as much as they exist for the glory of human nature alone – whether it be cultural, socio-economic, political, psycho-social or scientific – the contracts and constructs of human kind quickly become vainly beautiful or powerfully terrifying. Witness the wars, plagues, famines, and even the global warming of planet earth that have so quickly brought global economies, policies, projects and governments to their knees this year! As we move into Advent 2020 when we will celebrate the first coming of Christ Jesus and wisely consider the second coming of the Lord at the end of this age of civilization, let us not forget the hope of healing and holiness that we have been called to, this side of heaven and in eternity, as followers of Jesus. Will I subscribe to temporal beauty and terrifying power or to life-giving mercy and truth? What will I follow during my life-time on earth – the glory of humankind or the glory of God? Holy Spirit of God, help me not be mesmerized by the beauty, nor terrified by the power, of human designs. The Lord will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with his truth. (Psalm 96:5?) The glory of God is humankind fully alive. Iranaeus of Lyons & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei
Revelation 1:1-4 St. John the Divine, the Beloved Disciple of Jesus, prefaced his book of Revelation, with directions to the reader to ‘read aloud the words of prophesy’. When I read anything aloud, it finds its way into my own being through not only one, but all five of my integrated senses. In seeing the words and speaking them, both the right and the left sides of the brain are lit up. More than that, my ears receive the words and another two areas of my brain become engaged - the auditory processing receptors and the meaning/ synthesizing parts that integrate ideas into my thinking. My sense of taste and smell are even at work when I speak ‘words of prophecy’ because the subtle scent of each page, each book, or scroll, magazine, or computer is unique. As my mouth utters words, my breath goes in and out its receives and transmits messages of taste and odour. Even my sense of touch has a part to play as I feel the paper or the warm leather in my hand, or tap the keys to bring up the words on a screen. As I read aloud the words of prayers and scripture passages, or sing the words of prophecy embedded in so many hymns and songs, the Holy Spirit ministers to my soul in a global and integrated manner. Are you in need of inspiration? Read aloud scripture, sing spiritual hymns and songs, say prayers with full voice. It will change everything! Will I keep scriptures silent or voice them into being in my day to day reality? Holy Spirit give me voice to read your Word aloud. Happy are those who ... delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. (Psalm 1:2) Blessed in the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it... St. John the Divine, Revelation 1:3 & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei Philippians 4:6-9 The evil that surrounds us in this world is fascinating. I can quickly become mesmerized with any problem I face, engrossed in any gossip I hear, or consumed with the complexities of passions like jealousy or vengeance. But the Holy Spirit of Jesus calls us to fill our thinking with different things. Whatever things are true, just, honorable, pure pleasing, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise, St. Paul advises, are the things to let our minds be-hold and explore. When I look for the grace of God rather than the foibles of humanity in every event, every circumstance, every relationship in which I find myself, I can always find at least one life-giving thing that is worthy of praise. As I reflect on that which is true, just, pure and excellent, then my mind is fixed on that which is honorable, commendable and excellent as well. When praiseworthy things fill my mind then I am able to journey past things that are not praiseworthy, and find the peace that Christ Jesus holds out to me at every time and in every place. What will I think about today? Holy Spirit, help me think about things that are praiseworthy. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. (Psalm 23:2) Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful delight in God, who is love. Julian of Norwich & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei 1 Corinthians 3: 9-17 & John 2:13-22 Becoming a Temple of the Holy Spirit of God requires a purging of all that is false and hateful from my being so that all that is truth and merciful might grow in and through my life. Rivers of sentiment and attitude, words and deeds, trickle out from me continuously, gathering volume and current as they radiate out from my life. When I am full of myself and all the vanities of this life, these streams of words and deeds become torrential rivers of darkness and dis-ease ‘out there’, affecting individuals and even my community. But when I allow the Lord to clean house and throw out all the clutter of my passions and the dust of acedia* that gathers in me, then trickles of kindness, peace, faith, courage and joy can seep out from my being. As they go, they flow into other lives, gathering together other works of the Holy Spirit and becoming a rivers of life-giving hope to parched souls, nurturing moisture to vulnerable works of mercy, and healing waters to all those who are crushed by the traumas and trials of life. What is trickling out of my being into the world? God, help me become a Temple of your Holy Spirit so that rivers of life-giving water can flow out from me. Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16 ) May the mind of Christ our Saviour, Live in me from day to day, By His love and power [informing], All I do and say. Katie Barclay Wilkinson & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei Philippians 2:5-11 I never know when the evils of this world will splatter across my time and energy. How to respond? With the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. Grounded in scriptures and prayer from his conception in the womb of Mary, Jesus’ mind was in-formed by the Holy Spirit of God, who helped him choose paths of light and love, and ultimately gave him the power to rise again from the agony of the cross. When my teenager projects vulgarities, profane music, and dark actions onto my presence, rebuffing my guidance and slamming the door between us, I have a choice to make – to handle this maltreatment (of himself as much as of me) with all my wits and my best words, or to turn to the mind of Christ and be in-formed by his teachings. Wherever your peace is not returned to you, Jesus preached, shake off the dust from your sandals and continue on your way. Without referring to the mind of Christ Jesus, I would spend the day plotting how to ‘deal with’ my teenager. By engaging the mind of Christ, I am able to remain grounded in the truth and mercy of God, and turn my efforts to finding new ways to reach out in love to him, and to others in my life. Will I depend on the ruses of my own mind, or be informed by the prayers and teaching of Jesus, the Word of God? Holy Spirit let the mind of Christ Jesus be in me. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:13,14) May the mind of Christ our Saviour, Live in me from day to day, By His love and power [informing], All I do and say. Katie Barclay Wilkinson & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei |
AuthorBeverly Illauq lives in Kemptville, Ontario, where she greets each morning by seeking the Gospel Mystery of the Day - the Word of the Lord for direct and practical application to the specific challenges & joys of the day. Archives
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