Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119)
Exodus 40:16-38 & Psalm 84
Adoration: Lord God, you satisfy the deep longing of my soul … As human beings, we are all people of deep longings of soul. We are hungry for belonging and thirsty for the “right” persons or things. When I attempt to satisfy these longings with people and possessions other than God, I become restless and yearn for nameless items, undefined goals and inordinate connections. But when I watch and wait for the movement of God, as the Israelites learned to do during their journey through the desert, then I can walk in step with Jesus and all those who through the ages have satisfied their deepest longings. Lord God, you satisfy the deep longing of my soul. Satisfy the deep longings of N ____’s heart. Happy are those whose strength is in you; they go from strength to strength. (Psalm 84: 5&7) Soli ad gloriam dei
Exodus 34:29-34 & Psalm 34
Fear, along with its sisters worry, anxiety and stress, is perhaps the most destructive emotion at work in the human soul. Fear prompts countries to attack one another, communities to turn their backs on the poor and dispossessed people in their midst, and individuals to hide behind undue aggression or locked doors. When Moses overcame his fear and turned back to God to ask for a replacement set of commandments he not only moved God’s agenda for the Israelites ahead, but God’s glory rubbed off on him, making the skin of his face shine. When I, too, overcome fears and instead seek the Lord, my life can also become radiant with his grace and mercy. Christ Jesus, deliver me from all my fears. I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4) Soli ad gloriam dei Exodus 33:7 – 34:28 & Psalm 103
When he was travelling with the refugees from Egypt to their promised land, Moses took care to set up a tent of meeting where he could ‘come away’ from the people and their issues and pray in the nearer presence of God. This gave him the perspective, strength and wisdom to continue to live out his life’s calling and lead the Israelites. When I, like Moses, take time and place to meet with God, I too find that “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” Time spent with Father God, enfolded in his compassion and mercy, strengthens and inspires me to continue to fulfill his calling within my own life. Let me let you embrace me with your steadfast love, O Lord. Let your face shine on your servant. Save me in your merciful love. (Psalm 31:6) Soli ad gloriam dei Complete Day's Readings
2Corinthians 4:7-15 Christ Jesus, make your life visible through my life … St. Paul, who had lived a very challenging life of many trauma dramas, said in his letter to the Corinthians, “We have this treasure in clay vessels, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” The more of a ‘crack-pot’ I am, the more ‘holes’ there are in my life, the more the light of Jesus that nourishes and teaches my heart can shine out and encourage others to let his peace and mercy into their lives as well.. “so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory (and love) of God. Christ Jesus, make your life visible through my life. May those who sow with tears reap with shouts of joy. (Psalm 126:6) Soli ad gloriam dei 2Corinthians 5:14-17
When I follow my own agendas and plans, disregarding the needs of others and the designs of God, I live for myself. Similarly, when my own agendas and plans disintegrate and I choose to withdraw from family, colleagues and those in need around me and lick my wounds or plot my own self-repair, I am also living for myself. St. Paul teaches that to live out of self-centred thoughts and self-referenced actions leads to death. Instead, Paul advises [me] to see others and myself from God’s point of view, and to live in Christ. Then “there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” Christ Jesus, help me live no longer for myself but for you … . You have been my help and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. (Psalm 63) Soli ad gloriam dei |
AuthorBeverly Illauq lives in Kemptville, Ontario, where she greets each morning by seeking the Gospel Mystery of the Day - the Word of the Lord for direct and practical application to the specific challenges & joys of the day. Archives
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